Have a look at the Where are we page to see our current progress.

The route that we will take is still largely based on the route Marcus was originally going to run, the End to End trail put together by Andy Robinson in his fantastic book published by Cicerone. We’ll be mostly sticking to the road but also finding some places to paddle along the way,

It’s roughly 1350 miles/2200km give or take a mile or three with 93,000ft/28,300m of climbing.

The more detailed route can be found below. The markers show approximately where we will be at the end of each day.

The schedule will need to be flexible depending on weather and weariness but the rough plan for timings looks something like this:

Week 1: 14th May to 21st May

  • Lands End to Mendip Hills

Week 2: 21st to 28th May

  • Mendip Hills to Yorkshire Dales

Week 3: 28th May to 4th June

  • Yorkshire Dales to Trossachs

Week 4 (and a bit): 4th to 13th June

  • Trossachs to John O’Groats